YES Camp Policies
Camper Code of Conduct
It is our goal to provide a positive experience for all of our campers. An important part of this is creating a safe environment—physically, emotionally and spiritually—for all of our participants and staff members. This means The YES has behavioural expectations for campers and staff that allow us to function safely and fairly as a camp community.
To assist us in offering the best camp experience possible for everyone and to ensure that you fully understand what is expected, please review our Camper Code of Conduct.
Camper Health
We want to ensure that all campers and staff remain as healthy as possible while at camp. Due to the concern of transmitting communicable diseases to other campers or staff, we ask parents not to send their youth to camp if they are experiencing any of the following: diarrhea, dry cough, vomiting, fever, respiratory illness, eye discharge, sore throat, loss of taste or smell, or chest pain or pressure.
Youth should not attend camp until they have been symptom-free for at least two weeks. If a camper develops any of these symptoms while at camp, parents will be contacted and the camper will be sent home.
If a youth cannot attend camp during their assigned week due to illness, we will make all possible efforts to move them to a different week or refund your fees, according to our refund policy. Therefore, we urge you to ensure you do not send youth to camp while ill for the safety of other campers and staff.
If you have any questions regarding this, please contact our office.
Medical Incidents
Contacting Parents
If a camper requires urgent medical attention, parents will be contacted. If we are unable to reach the primary contact, we will leave a detailed message if possible and then try to contact the alternate emergency contact.
Parents will also be contacted under all of the following circumstances:
A camper needs to be taken to the hospital or clinic
If potential head or spinal injuries are suspected
Vomiting or diarrhea for the camper occurs more than once
The camper has lice
The parents have requested to be contacted for specific items
Behavioural concerns and support
Seeking Medical Support
When to seek additional support can be a very subjective decision for the First Aid attendant and it will depend largely upon the individual’s experience and training. The rule of thumb is that when there is any doubt in the mind of the First Aid attendant as to injury or treatment, the camper will be sent to a clinic or to emergency for assessment.
Obvious concerns that would cause this to be done immediately include:
Any compromise or potential compromise to ABC (airway, breathing, or circulation)
Any wound not treatable with simple first aid
Any allergic reaction not responding to minor treatment
Any potential sprain or break
Any infection
Any fever that lasts longer than 24 hours
Swelling or bites that get progressively worse (red, hot, and painful)
Any serious burn, or even a minor degree burn on a large part of the body
Any complaint related to a serious prior condition
Payment of Camp Registration Fees
All camp fees must be paid in full and received by our head office no later than two weeks prior to the start of the registered camp date unless the youth is sponsored or you have made prior arrangements with the office. If you are registering less than two weeks prior to the start of the chosen date, camp fees must be paid in full at the time of registration unless previously arranged with the office.
Cancellation and Refund Policy:
If you need to adjust your reservation and switch camps, please be in touch. Please note that all registrations that need to be cancelled will have a non-refundable fee of $25.00 for administrative purposes.
The YES cancellation and refund policy is as follows:
Full Refunds will be issued for campers who must cancel due to illness, when substantiated by a medical note from the doctor. Should programs not be able to run due to provincial health restrictions, full refunds will be offered (excluding the $25 non-refundable fee).
Cancellations received 15 days prior to camp (unrelated to illness) will be issued a full refund (excluding the $25 non-refundable fee). Sponsors do not cover these fees.
Cancellations received 14 days or less before camp (unrelated to illness) will be issued a full refund minus $100.00 and the $25.00 non-refundable fee. Sponsors do not cover these fees.
Partial refunds will be considered for campers who must return home for medical reasons such as injuries and are unable to return for the duration of the camp.
If the camper and/or their parents decide the camper must return home while camp is in session, unrelated to health and illness, there will be no refund or credit. Please note: There is no refund/credit for homesickness, even if the camp staff determine it would be best for the camper to go home. Additionally, parents/guardians will be required to set up transportation home from camp (i.e. ferry bookings, taxis, pick-ups, etc). Should YES Staff members need to support with transportation, parents and guardians are responsible for covering mileage/gas/return trip receipts.
No refunds will be issued for any participants dismissed from the program due to a violation of Camper Code of Conduct. Additionally, parents/guardians will be required to set up transportation home from camp (i.e. ferry bookings, taxis, pick-ups, etc). Should YES Staff members need to support with transportation, parents and guardians are responsible for covering mileage/gas/return trip receipts.
Supporting Transportation for Early Departure & Mileage Fees
Should a staff member be required to provide support with transportation for a participant who is leaving early, the baseline fee is $150.00. Sponsorships or subsidies do not cover this fee. The cost includes staff wage and the mileage to and from the ferry based on current CRA rates.
Sleeping arrangements at camp are determined based on gender identity. Please contact the office if you require more information or want to request a different arrangement. We can be reached at 604-960-1377 or info@theyes.ca. To recognize and celebrate the experience the community has shared during the week, camp staff supervise a sleepover on Friday night during each camp. Campers are given the choice to sleep in a supervised communal area or return to their typical sleeping area. During this activity, staff provide clear guidelines and direct supervision at all times.
Camp Staff
Staff volunteers are required to submit a new application every year and must agree to a Criminal Record Check every year. As well, once selected, staff are required to attend and complete the Staff Training Retreat prior to the start of camp. Our staff team will include many individuals certified in first aid and lifeguarding, and each week of camp, there will be four staff members dedicated to these tasks.