Student Retreats
Connect on a whole new level.
We offer customizable weekend retreats for leadership students or youth groups that are looking for skill building, bonding, and a chance to reflect on themselves as young leaders. The combination of workshops, outdoor activities, meaningful field trips, and games will equip participants with the confidence and skills necessary to contribute to a fun, engaging and meaningful environment.
Retreat Details
Retreats can range from 1-6 nights
While The YES is happy to provide suggestions and guidance, in most cases groups are responsible for booking facilities, including catering and transportation
Cost is dependent on number of students (minimum 10), number of nights, location and whether the group is chaperoned or not

Who's It For?
Leadership classes looking to make connections and develop skills
Classes or groups looking to start the year or semester off with team building and group bonding
Private school groups on holiday breaks looking for fun, supervision, and new experiences Extracurricular youth groups (i.e. student governments, teams, clubs)

If you’re interested in booking a student retreat, please be in touch with us at info@theyes.ca to get a quote today.
Please provide as many details as possible including:
Number of students
Number of chaperones if any
School location
Proposed dates
Proposed retreat location
Purpose or goals of retreat