For over 45 years, co-ops and credit unions have been generously supporting The Youth Excellence Society's programs. Each of the co-operative organizations listed below have contributed much needed resources to facilitate the inclusion of young people in the co-op and credit union movement:
Alberni District Co-operative Association, Armstrong Co-op, Bulkley Valley Credit Union, Community Savings Credit Union (formerly CCEC), Co-operative Housing Federation BC, Coastal Community Credit Union, Community Futures Development: North Okanagan, Co-operators, Decosmos Village Housing Co-op, Dundee Court Housing Co-operative, First Credit Union, Four Rivers Co-operative, G&F Financial Group, Grand Forks District Savings Credit Union, GVC Credit Union, Hornby Island Co-op, Huntington Place Housing Co-op, Kootenay Savings Credit Union, Ladysmith & District Credit Union, Laura Jamieson Housing Co-op, Mackenzie Consumers Cooperative Association, Marine Court Housing Co-op, Mid Island Consumer Services Co-op, Nelson and District Credit Union, North Peace Savings Credit Union, Northern Savings Credit Union, Otter Farm & Home Co-operative, Peninsula Co-op, PLEA Community Services Society, Power to Be, Revelstoke Credit Union, Rotary Club – Ashcroft, Salmon Arm Savings and Credit Union, Sharon’s Credit Union, Squamish Savings Credit Union, StellarVista Credit Union (formerly known as East Kootenay Credit Union) Summerland Credit Union, Sunshine Coast Credit Union, Terra Nova Housing Co-op, Tofino Consumers Co-operative Association, Ucluelet Consumers Co-operative Association, Vancity Savings Credit Union, Westminster Savings Credit Union, Williams Lake & District Credit Union
In 2022, more than 60% of our participants received either full or partial sponsorship to attend The YES summer camp programs- thank you to our co-op and credit union supporters!

"I have had the most wonderful and incredible time, and I am so incredibly grateful for everything I have learned, and that I had the opportunity to attend this camp that has forever changed my life.”
-Emily, Roots B 2019, from South Surrey, BC

"As always the Rossland kids return changed, possessing a more positive outlook, more self assured and confident and determined to contribute to the community. Thanks for all you do with them."
-Gordon, Nelson & District Credit Union

The YES is grateful to have received funding and donations from the following organizations in 2022 for in-person and virtual programming:

Kootenay Savings Credit Union

Otter Farm and Home Co-op

Co-operators Insurance and Financial Services

Nelson & District Credit Union

Coastal Community Credit Union

Peninsula Co-op

North Peace Savings Credit Union

Williams Lake & District Credit Union

Co-operative Housing Federation of BC

Northern Savings Credit Union

DeCosmos Village Housing Co-op

Salmon Arm Savings Credit Union

Revelstoke Credit Union

Sunshine Coast Credit Union

Community Savings Credit Union

Hornby Island Co-op

Vancity Savings Credit Union

Greater Vancouver Community Credit Union
Four Rivers Co-op

Ladysmith & District Credit Union

First Credit Union

Marine Court Housing Co-op
In addition, we thank the following supporters for their contributions to The YES for our school programs, including workshop tours, student government retreats, and Change it Up programs:
Beeta International Education Group, Claremont Secondary School, Merritt Secondary School,
Northern Savings Credit Union, Peter Skene Ogden Secondary School, St. Michael's University School, Vancouver District Students' Council, The Victoria Immigrant and Refugee Centre Society (VIRCS)
If you're interested in becoming a supporter of The YES programs, please contact us for more information. We also welcome tax-deductible donations. Thank you for your support!